Following a car accident, you have a lot of important decisions to make. The most important decision to make after talking to your insurance company is deciding whether you should repair or replace your car. According to Carsurance, most people only keep their vehicles for an average of 8.4 years, but an accident could speed up this timeline depending on its severity. Let's look at some factors a local auto body shop would recommend considering when you're deciding what to do with your car after an accident.
Totaling a car means that the insurance company has decided that the amount of money it would take to fix the vehicle is more than what the vehicle is worth. In this situation, the insurance company offers you the amount of money for the value of the car. This eliminates the need to repair your car but also leaves you with the need to find a new vehicle. While stressful, you have the opportunity to purchase a vehicle you've always wanted.
Many people opt to repair their vehicle after an accident. This means they're willing to take the amount of money the insurance company offers and pay the difference on their own to have the necessary repairs completed. People often choose this option to avoid buying a new vehicle, as it can be expensive and time-consuming. However, there are limitations to what types of repairs can be reasonably done.
Some accidents will leave a vehicle beyond repair. This means you don't just need expensive cosmetic work done; rather, essential operational features of the vehicle can't be fixed! In this case, the vehicle will never be safe to drive and you'll need a new one. However, if the repairs can be addressed safely, it's best to work with a dependable local auto body shop instead.
Sometimes a vehicle will work just fine after a wreck; if that's the case, have it repaired at a reliable local auto body shop! Turn to our team at Balken's Auto Body LLC. Established in 1992, we fix all makes and models of vehicles in the Fond du Lac, WI area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and we'll be sure you can drive your vehicle again in no time.
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